
Prenatal Care

Each visit will include vitals check, urinalysis, measurements, listening to baby’s heartbeat, and nutritional counseling. Blood work done at Newborn Measurementsthe initial visit then at 28 weeks then again at 36 weeks.

I am always available to answer your questions.
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Home Birth

You will have my full attention upon arrival at your home in active labor. After the birth we stay until mom and baby are comfortable and after the initial newborn exam is performed. We make sure both mother and baby are well taken care of.

We pay close attention to the monitoring of mother and baby, labor support, and breast feeding support. I am always available via phone, text, or email for questions and support.

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Water Birth

Colorado Springs home birthIf you are interested in a water birth you can use your own tub or you may use one of our inflatable birth pools at no additional charge. (purchase of liner is required $15-$30)

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Breastfeeding Support

I believe that breastfeeding gives your baby the best possible start to life and is an excellent way for a mother to bond with her baby.

I will provide information and personal support as you and your baby adjust to the demands and joys of breastfeeding.

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Postpartum Care

This includes regular monitoring and support, for both mother and baby, following birth. Home visits at 24 and 36 hours and 1 week. Additional visits will follow over the next 6 weeks.

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Lab Services

We offer access to a full service laboratory. We will collect the needed blood work and cultures in the office and have it sent out to be processed. The cost of the lab work is covered by most insurance companies.

Lending LibraryCarmen Lackett

We have a lending library that’s available to check out are books and DVD’s on pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding/lactation, etc.

Just ask and we’ll be happy to give you access to our library!

Serving Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, and surrounding areas.

Midwife Colorado Springs

"When a man is truly "present" for the birth of his child and allows himself to be touched by the mystery unfolding before his eyes, he will have an unquestionable experience that can catapult him into the next phase of his development as a mature human being. His encounter with the power of birth...can connect him for the rest of his life."

John Franklin

"We have a secret in our culture, and it"s not that birth is painful, It's that women are strong."

Laura Stavoe Harm

"Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear."

Jane Weidman

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