Carmen Lackett, Certified Midwife Colorado Springs

Carmen Lackett, Midwife In Colorado Springs
My name is Carmen Lackett. I am a Certified Professional Midwife in Colorado Springs. I am married and have 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl.
Benefits of Home Birth
My draw to home birth started in 1998 at the birth of my first child. I had heard the stories of my aunt and uncle having their babies at home, and what a truly rewarding experience it was.
I chose home birth because I wanted a calm and comfortable environment to labor and give birth.
After receiving the truly personalized care and attention from a wonderful midwife, I felt like midwifery was something that I wanted to pursue.
That dream was concreted when I had my second baby that ended in a hospital transport, non-emergency.
Hospital Birth vs. Home Birth
The differences between a home birth and hospital birth were like night and day. I also experienced the same thing after attending the hospital births of the children of family and friends.
The hospital birth felt too intrusive for my philosophy and comfort.
I was very relieved and happy when I had easy home births for my next two children. Delivering my own children at home, and seeing how much I was helped by my midwife made me want to be “that midwife” and help other women on their journey.
I have attended and assisted many home births and have seen the beauty that birth offers at every one.
Certified Midwife Colorado Springs
I have had the privilege of working with a handful of midwives where I gained experience and confidence.
Midwifery is an art that for hundreds of years, has been passed down from midwife to student.
I have been privileged to get my training through that method. I love that process and feel it is very important to have learned that way.
In no ways was I rushed into being a Colorado Springs midwife . I took my time and learned how to give personal care to each mom in my care.
From that I have learned a lot of different ways of practicing natural home birthing. I have been able to take from the grab bag of knowledge and apply it to my practice.
I am, of course, studying and learning all the time and with that my practice changes, with increased knowledge.
As I walk this course with my lovely clients I feel honored to get to be with them in their most sacred and precious moments of life. Each and every time I have the honor to be “with woman” in these milestones it changes who I am.
Personal Attention
My desire as your midwife is to walk next to you through this life changing process. I want to be next to you for each of the mile stones you encounter, whether or not you have done this before.
I think it is important to feel comfortable and at ease and I strive to have those lines of communication open. I love to laugh with you, hold space for you and your feelings and comfort you through whatever you may be feeling.
Because of my desire to walk with each one of my clients I run a small practice of 3 clients a month so I can give you my very best personal attention. As mentioned,
I have my own family that I love to spend time with, but also so that I can be available wholly for all of my clients.
Please feel free to call me at 719-499-6231 or click HERE to contact me to set up your free interview to learn if a home birth is right for you.